Tuesday, January 17

the joys of being misunderstood

a comment from a fellow worker, a call from a relatively good friend questions from youths from other areas were the factors of how ppl like myself can be misunderstood if no proper explanation is given to them. And when there is no proper explanation given, they gossip and the problem worsens...victim? Myself and my principalities laid by God.

All they have is shallow information, they didn't even bother to check why I am doing what I am doing...well fair enough...I really don't care what people think for believe this is the way I can train my young folks to be better leaders of the generation to come. From today onwards I will not explain unless there is a need to, and I will pray that even in my misunderstood situation...joy can still be found, things that are done in the secrecy of Him and me, He honors me and it is evident that it has been this way all this while as my leaders and my interns have given me the trust that I need to move on. Satan now has to grow bigger to take on us but no matter how he just can't the better of the conviction given by HS.

I thank God for allowing me to understand and see the point beyond this sort of a storm. For the next thing I will look out for will be a deliverance of our people and many will know Him. Gossip mongers, watch out! For our tongues are made to praise Him, something positive...if you have something negative that beats others down...try repenting?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if God is for you, who can be against you?
Go ian! will all of God and light the fire of this generation!
love, carr.